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Friday, July 01, 2005

Shark Bait...

We are leaving in the morning to go to our condo in SeaGrove, Florida!!! (The picture is the place we are staying!)So unless I find an internet cafe or something I will be offline until we return home on the 6th! I can't imagine not checking in for 5 whole days!!! Try to have lots of good news for me when I come back!

I will try very hard to not get eaten by a shark...

I am on cd 22 today... so may I will know something by the next time I blog.. But so far no sore boobs or anything (even with progesterone... which is odd) Oh well... we have decided to do one more round of clomid (my Mom is paying the $450 and actually get monitored fully next month... After that... I don't know what we will try.

Ok.. enough depessing TTC talk.. I have to go pack and get ready to leave Orlando in the morning by 7:30 AM...

See you gals in about a week!!!


Blogger Tiff said...

I hope you have a great trip (the place looks great) and have nothing but good news when you return....yeah and stay away from those sharks.

7:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oooh, blue skies. Have a lovely holiday. yay for your mum coming up with the dosh too.

8:00 PM  
Blogger Jessigirl said...

Jamie, I hope that your vacation ttcsex worked and that you don't have to pay for the monitoring. Take care! Have a safe trip home!

6:50 AM  
Blogger Heather P. said...

I hope you don't need the money for next cycle. I hope this one worked!!! Have fun on your vacation!!

3:15 AM  
Blogger Sporty said...

Glad you are having a good trip. That is so nice of your mom to pay for the monitoring, but I am praying that you won't need it! I can't wait until you are home so we can hear all about you trip.

Talk to you soon!

8:25 AM  
Blogger Jessigirl said...

Can't wait to have an update!!!!!

11:26 AM  

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