I never thought I would be a blogger that disappeared when her baby finally comes... but for some reason that is exactly what I did! Everything here has been so incredible and such a whirlwind that blogging has been the last thing on my mind. I will try to be brief and give you the highlights of the last three wonderful months...
March - Finley's birth experience was very easy on Jenn (her birthmom). The girl didn't even break a sweat during delivery! I was there and cut the cord and was the first person to hold Finn. Those first 48 hours (the waiting for the papers to be signed) were beautiful, sad, and very very personal... Finn, Mr. D, Jenn and I spent almost every moment together... The hospital gave Mr. D. and I a room of our very own and we had private time with the baby. I know I need to write about those 48 hours especially for Finley... but in many ways I am still processing everything... especially the grief of watching Jenn say goodbye to Finn. We are still in a very open adoption situation and have visited with Jenn 4 times since the birth... but those 48 hours are very much etched in my heart... and for now I think I will keep the details in our family.
April - Maternity leave was great... I honestly hardly remember those 6 weeks! People visited... and we cared for Finny Pie! Life was crazy and bare bones simple all at the same time. Breast feeding went really well... mostly because of the stockpile of milk in the freezer. I would nurse, or give a bottle and pump... She is a great eater! After about 6 weeks we went to 1/2 breast milk and 1/2 formula because I just couldn't keep up with her! And that is where we still are now. I pump 2 times a day and get about 10 ounces and then we mix with formula to supplement. I rarely nurse anymore... I was obsessed at the beginning with knowing that she was eating enough so I got very comfortable with pumping and bottle feeding. Every once in a while we will still nurse but more for comfort (both mine and hers). But feeding her has really gone well... especially since Mr. D is such a hands on Daddy.
May - May kind of melded in to April really. We eat, we sleep, we change diapers, and take baths... life is very uncomplicated and simple. I had to go back to school for 2 weeks after my 6 weeks of leave and that was strange because my focus was so pulled. But after school was out for the summer life has become one long maternity leave. I am amazed that after all of my "baby wait" the timing of her arrival was actually perfect and will allow both Mr. D. and me to be at home with her together for almost the first 5 months! In late May we traveled back to "small town 6 hours away" to visit and watch Jenn graduate from high school... it was a very proud moment for all of us to get to be there for that.
Finley is a great sleeper! After about 6 weeks she started waking up only 2 times a night for a quick change and feed then right back to bed. Now we put he in bed around 10... she wakes up at about 5 to eat and diaper... and then she will sleep until 9 or so. Believe me I know I sound like I am exaggerating what a good baby she is... but I am not! I really feel like God blessed us with a great baby who eats well, sleeps well, and hardly every fusses! I know that many many people have a hard time with their infants at this point... but Finn really is that good. We believe God granted us an easy good tempered baby because of all the wonderful prayers over these years (especially from all over the world with this blog!)
June - On June 18 we went back to "small town" for our adoption finalization in court. It was a joyous day and visit! Jenn was at a college visit the morning of the court hearing but we invited her grandmother and sister to attend the finalization with us. The actual moment in front of the judge when he legally declared Finley Elisse our daughter was amazing. We waited in town until Jenn got back and all had dinner together so she had another chance to see Finley. We are really happy that we decided on an open adoption and even though it can feel strange "sharing" your daughter... it can also feel like the best most noble thing you can do for your daughter. We are glad than Jenn will be in Finley's life and know that open adoption was the right choice for all of us. When we got back home we had a big finalization party with lots of family and friends!
So here we are in July... it is going by so fast! Tomorrow is the 4th and we will spend the day with family. Jenn and her sister came to visit yesterday and that was nice. I spend my days doting on my daughter and watching my husband become the most incredible father... He is such a natural! We are having a wonderful time being parents!
Sorry it has been so long since I posted... like I said, I never thought I would disappear for so long after she got here... but wow... parenthood changes a lot of things. I sort of feel part of a secret club now... even through the infertility and angst I had no idea how worth it it would all be at the end of the journey! And believe me she is worth every single tear.

Happy 4th everyone!
(I know the bow is over the top... but I had to celebrate the occasion and she'll grow into it! I had so much fun making it! And I promise that it is just for pictures... so please don't call cps!)