I am sorry that I haven't posted. I have no real excuses. I have just been feeling rather unhealthy (read-
mentally) lately and haven't felt like posting. I am turning 35 in 2 weeks on the 7th. I don't have a child. My weight is up up up. I am coming up on my first due date...
if I had not miscarried I would have a two year old baby on the 5th. I am having a difficult time at work...
I think I am in a slump in my tenth year teaching. I am feeling very uncreative and untalented. I am basically just in an very unsatisfied place in my life. I am tired of blaming everything n the hormones...
I remember a time when I loved and looked forward to the holidays... now the thought of them just exhausts me. Everything this time of year is so kid-centered... and I never really noticed it until a couple of years ago... now just the thought of kids running around dressed as little princesses or vampires... or the sight of all the cutesy thanksgiving things at Pottery Barn... or the horror of walking through the mall and bursting into tears seeing the long line of irritated parents with their kids all decked out in their holiday best waiting to sit on Santa's lap... well it just sort of makes my heart sink.
I need something. And if it is not going to be a child then what is it going to be? I need something that will help me appreciate all that I have. A service project? Volunteering somewhere? I am not sure what it is... but I know that I have to find a new passion. I am tired of my life centering around trying to have a baby. I need something.
My doctor visit for my annual exam was fine....
I actually wrote "my annual doctor visit went fine" at first and then laughed... "annual doctor visit???" ha. Just the usual feet in stirrups type thing. Today is cd 2 and I will have an u/s tomorrow to find out if Oliver Cyst is gone or if I need another month of b/c pills. (The dr. said he could not feel any type of large cyst during the manual part of the exam... so either it is really high up or it as shrunk significantly). Once we have a green light the plan is still the clomid challenge (100 mg of clomid days 5-10 with lots of blood tests to look at egg reserve) and big old shots of hcg. The dr. is still convinced that if we can get a "good" cycle that we should have no problems getting pregnant. He even mentioned hoping for twins so I don't have to do all this again. He visit was very upbeat... and I appreciate that... but I am just not feeling it. I have de-ja-vu... like I have heard all this before... like I have already used up all my hope... like I am stuck.
I will try to post more. I am just not liking the whiny posts I keep writing. How boring.
Oh... and I started myself back on buspar for the anxiety and depression I have been feeling... so maybe I will perk up soon.
I am scared to turn 35.
They say bad things about getting pregnant after 35.
They say "advanced maternal age" and "downs syndrome" and "miscarriage" and "high risk".
I am scared.
There I said it.